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Англо-русский строительный словарь - loosen


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Перевод с английского языка loosen на русский


ослаблять (напр. крепление, связь и т. п.); развязывать

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См. в других словарях

  1) ослаблять; отпускать (напр. болт)2) освобождать3) расшатывать; расколачивать (модель) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • придавать общий характер• сделать нечетким ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  discipline ослаблять дисциплину LOOSEN v.  1) ослаблять(ся), становиться слабым; - loosen discipline  2) развязывать  3) расшатывать (зуб и т.п.)  4) med. вызывать действие (кишечника)  5) разрыхлять  6) tech. отпускать - loosen up LOOSEN up  а) делать более гибкими (мышцы); The team spends half an hour loosening up before each game.  б) становиться более разговорчивым, менее застенчивым; If you dont loosen up soon, I shall have to find other ways of making you talk.  в) coll. расщедриться; Do you think the old man will loosen up when we tell him our pitiful story?  г) не принимать что-л. всерьез; Loosen up, this isnt a formal occasion. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (также loosen up) ослаблять; ослабляться to loosen one's grip —- ослабить хватку to loosen the reins —- отпустить поводья to loosen the brakes —- ослаблять (отпускать) тормоза to loosen discipline —- ослабить дисциплину the medicine may loosen the cough —- лекарство может смягчить кашель the screw has loosened —- винт расшатался, винт стал свободнее 2. отпускать to loosen the grip —- терять сцепление (гимнастика) to loosen one's grip of (hold on) smth. —- выпустить из рук что-л. 3. становиться свободнее by degrees their tongues were loosened —- постепенно языки развязались 4. (также loosen up) развязывать, распускать; развязываться, распускаться (о шнуровке и т. п.) 5. разрыхлять 6. мед. вызывать действие кишечника, послаблять ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ослаблять 2) разрыхлять 3) раскреплять 4) расшатывать 5) рыхлить - loosen a wedge - loosen nut - loosen screw LOOSEN A WEDGE ослабить клин ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) освобождать; отсоединять; откреплять 2) ослаблять 3) метал. расколачивать (модель) 4) разрыхлять ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become less tight or compact or firm. 2 tr. make (a regime etc.) less severe. 3 tr. release (the bowels) from constipation. 4 tr. relieve (a cough) from dryness. Phrases and idioms loosen a person's tongue make a person talk freely. loosen up = limber up (see LIMBER(1)). Derivatives loosener n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to release from restraint  2. to make looser ~ed his tie ~ a screw  3. to relieve (the bowels) of constipation  4. to cause or permit to become less strict — often used with up ~ed the rules  intransitive verb to become loose or looser ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (loosens, loosening, loosened) 1. If someone loosens restrictions or laws, for example, they make them less strict or severe. Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields. ? tighten VERB: V n • loosening Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy. N-SING: usu N of n 2. If someone or something loosens the ties between people or groups of people, or if the ties loosen, they become weaker. The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States... The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions... The ties that bind them together are loosening. VERB: V n, V n, V 3. If you loosen your clothing or something that is tied or fastened or if it loosens, you undo it slightly so that it is less tight or less firmly held in place. Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned... Her hair had loosened and was tangled around her shoulders. ? tighten VERB: V n, V 4. If you loosen something that is stretched across something else, you make it less stretched or tight. Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin. VERB: V n 5. If you loosen your grip on something, or if your grip loosens, you hold it less tightly. Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free... When his grip loosened she eased herself away. = relax ? tighten VERB: V n, V 6. If a government or organization loosens its grip on a group of people or an activity, or if its grip loosens, it begins to have less control over it. There is no sign that the Party will loosen its tight grip on the country... The Soviet Union’s grip on Eastern Europe loosened. = relax VERB: V n, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to make something less tight or less firmly fixed, or to become less tight or less firmly fixed  (You'll need a spanner to loosen that bolt. | Check the plug - there may be a loosened connection.) 2 to unfasten something, especially something you are wearing  (Harry loosened his tie.) 3 to make laws, rules etc less strict  (It was time to loosen economic constraints.) 4 loosen your grip/hold a) to reduce the control or power you have over someone or something  (as communism began to loosen its hold on eastern Europe) b) to start holding someone less tightly than you were before + on  (The policeman loosened his grip on my arm.) 5 loosen sb's tongue to make someone talk more freely than usual, for example by making them drunk loosen up phr v 1 T loosen something up) to exercise your muscles and joints to make them work more easily, especially before playing a sport or running; warm-up 2 to stop worrying and become more relaxed  (Try and loosen up a bit!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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